❤ Подпишитесь на мой YouTube (Ютуб) канал пожалуйста. 😼 Пожалуйста, посмотрите это видео напрямую на YouTube (Ютуб) для лучшего опыта.😸 This picked chicken has already exploded, but there are plenty where it came from. Fully improvised, careless madness, played with a metal thumbpick and nickel silver fingerpicks. The guitar is a Schecter SGR S-1, the amp is a Roland Cube 30 set to the VOX simulation, with some slapback delay dialed in. I also used a Maxon CP-9 Pro+ compressor. The microphone is an AT2020. The back pickup I'm on comes from a Washburn SI10. It's got a rather high resonance, i.e. it's bright, yet a fairly high output (there isn't much metal inside, so no dulling eddy currents). Best of both worlds. https://youtu.be/Cgk1BRcjGoo #countryguitar #fingerstyle #thumbpickguitar #madguitar #fingerpickguitar #chickenpickin #guitar #cleanguitar #maxoncp9pro+ #compressor #distortion #improvisation #voxamp #railpickup #bladepickup #humbucker #ギ;ター #彈;琴 #thumbpick #fingerpicking #tinderwet #explosivechicken #metalfingerpicks #originalmusic #rolandcube30 #schectersgrs1 #at2020